Regardless of how well you maintain your home's rain gutters and downspouts, problems will always arise at times. The good news is that most all gutter issues can be easily fixed and don't require professional skills. Here is a look at the 5 most common gutter and downspout problems along with tips to fix them.
1. Leaky Rain Gutters
This is perhaps the most common guttering problem that homeowners face each year. What happens is that rain water sits in the gutter channel and seeps through a joint between two sections.
If you do find the cause to be from sagging guttering or standing water you can adjust your gutter and add a couple of extra gutter hangers to fix the problem.
To repair the leak you will need to dry out the two sections and clean the area with a brush or towel.
Next, get a good tube of silicone caulk and caulk the seams on both the inside and outside of the gutter.
If the cause of the leaking is from a hole in your gutter, then you can use a simple patch to repair it.
First, apply some roofing cement to the area where the hole is located. Next, take a sheet metal patch and place over the hole. Then, put roofing cement over the top of the patch.
2. Sagging Gutters
Over the course of time it is easy for some gutters to begin to sag. Check for sagging by inspecting for standing rain water or water marks inside the channel.
If you notice a problem you will need to take a 3-foot level and check your slope angle. Generally, you should have a 1/4 inch slope for every 10 feet of guttering.
If you need to make adjustments you can simply add or adjust your gutter hangers.
3. Loose Downspouts
Another common maintenance issue is with downspouts that break loose or get disconnected from the gutter itself.
This is an easy fix that takes very little time. You need a drill and a couple of sheet metal screws. Push the downspout back together and drill a couple of small holes in the two pieces. Next, screw the sheet metal screws through the pieces.
One important point to remember though; don't use long screws or they will cause debris inside the downspout to clog it up over time.
4. Overflowing Rain Gutters
This problem is caused by a clogged gutter or downspout in most all cases. To fix the problem, you simply need to clean out the area where the clogging is occurring.
In some cases this could be caused by having too small of gutters to handle the rain water. In this case you would need to install rain gutters that are larger.
5. Pooling Water Near Downspouts
To prevent water from pooling around your home and downspout, be sure to make it runoff well into your yard or driveway.
You can use a downspout extension or other flexible tubing to get the job accomplished.
These simple tips should help fix any problems that arise with your rain gutters over the years.