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Roofing Tips For the Do-It-Yourselfer

But the obvious aside, another of the most helpful roofing tips you will ever get is that you don't always need to climb up to your roof top to determine if you have leaks. You can simply start poking around in your attic in search of watermarks. If they are present, then your roof needs some attention!

One of the roofing tips related to what you discover in your attic is that the part of your roof which needs fixing will be located between two and three feet above the location of the watermark, which makes perfect sense because water flows not up, but down. One final roofing tip on the subject of who should repair your leaky roof is that if the wood on your roof has suffered actual damage, you need to turn the repairs over to a professional roofing contractor.

Roofing Tips: Your Materials
No collection of roofing tips is of any value unless it offers roofing tips about the materials you'll have to have on hand before you can begin a roof repair. The first thing you'll need, because they will be visible t o the rest of the world, are roofing shingles identical to the ones which need to be replaced. To determine how many of these shingles you must lay your hands on, you will simply multiply the length of the area to be repaired by its width, and divide the answer by one hundred.

The figure you get is the umber of roofing squares which will be required to complete your roof repair. What's a roofing square?

A roofing square is the equivalent of three bundles of shingles, and is large enough to cover one hundred square feet of a roof. So one bundle of shingles will cover 33.3 square feet of roof. Another one of those useful roofing tips!

Roofing Tips: Up On The Roof
While you are up on the roof measuring the area to be repaired, sneak a peek at the condition of the roofing felt or tarpaper which is under the damaged shingles. If it is, take up a tiny sample of it to give to the roofing expert at your local hardware or home improvement store when you make the trip to order your roofing shingles. Fixing your tarpaper or roofing felt should be quite simple as long as you get the correct material.

We've passed along just a few roofing tips, but by using them you should find it fairly easy both to affect repairs on a small roofing problem and to install a few replacement shingles. But don't kid yourself. All the roofing tips in the world will be useless if you are confronted with major repairs. If you are, save yourself some headaches and call a roofing contractor to handle the job.